
design • production • post-production

neptunia gin

making a splash

Straight from their cabinet of curiosities, Hendrick’s Neptunia Gin is a limited release that captures the magic of the sea. Our task was to help Hendrick’s stand out amongst the growing pool of new and novel products – so we set out to make a splash.

an interactive
unboxing experience

We put a Hendrick’s spin on the popular unboxing experience by immersing our audience in an interactive adventure that rewarded them for following their curiosity.

dive deeper for surprising results

The experience starts outside of the box with a visually captivating design that invites our audience to dive in. Once the lid is lifted the sides fall open, immersing our audience in a three dimensional world filled with peculiar characters and a closed treasure chest. Inside, a pearl from the Neptunia ocean – a QR code that leads to more cocktail inspiration.

hooking them in

Along with a series of clever rhymes and fun surprises — including ocean audio — the box captivated those who received it, immersing them in the Hendrick’s brand.

the results

Recipients were excited to share the experience, resulting in over 9.5 million impressions through a combination of earned and paid efforts across media and influencers. The box furthered engagement for the Hendrick’s brand and promoted the limited edition flavour in an exciting and unexpected way.